Something's not right, but what?
Sometimes, internet browsers accumulate data over time (also called “cache”) and this eventually could cause issues. Depending on which browser you're using, you may try the following. Instructions for clearing the cache Below you can find detailed instructions for: Firefox Chrome Internet Explorer Opera Safari If your browser is not in this list, try this page (external link, opens in new window).PopularTo open PDF files you will need Adobe Reader
Each module comes with one or more PDF files that are conveniently placed as either buttons (underneath the lesson viewer) or as links towards the bottom of the page. Most devices these days have Adobe Reader pre-installed. The best way to find out is to try and open a PDF file. Should you not be able to open the PDF files, please visit http://get. ( readersForgot your username or password?
Passwords are automatically generated by the system. Don't worry, if you've lost yours you can reset the password yourself. It's very easy. This is how it works: Go to the reset password link * If you forgot your username, simply type your email address instead An email will be sent to you with a new password, plusFew readersDo you have the latest browser?
To ensure that you enjoy the best possible learning experience, we strongly recommend using Firefox or Chrome as your default browser for accessing your course. Safari is fine as a third option, but please stay away from Internet Explorer – it won't give you the best user experience. Also, you should always have the latest version of a browser installed. Visit this website ( readersDo I have the right browser?
To enjoy the best possible learning experience, we recommend using Chrome or Firefox as your default browser. Visit this website (opens an external link in a new window) to see the latest browsers and their versions. Please note that The Health Sciences Academy is browser-independent and all major browsers should work: Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, Firefox. Older versions of these browsers may not support all the interactive features on our site, soFew readersHow good is the technology? How fast is your site?
Super, super, super quick! All documents are cached by something called a ‘Content Delivery Network' (CDN) which ensures that files are cached and served all over the world as rapidly as companies like Microsoft or Google do! Result: an ultra-smooth learning experience!Few readersWhich devices are supported?
We have tested our students' learning experience on the following devices with numerous browsers: Windows – all browsers including Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera and Safari Mac – all browsers including Safari Android tablet (Samsung or Google branded for example) Explorer (built in) – perfect Chrome – perfect Opera (full, not mini) – perfect Firefox – perfect Android phone (tested with HTC One) Explorer – perfect Apple iPad, including the latest AirFew readers